My interview with mrs. Sucianah

This is my interview result, with Mrs. Sucianah.....
Her fullname is Sucianah, she was born in Cirebon June 18th 1962, she has a husband,called
Mr. Roba, and

she has two boys named Ibnu Kohar and Isam Nurfauzan, Her parent named Romlani Candra Kusuma(Alm) and Hj. Sariah, and her parent in law named H.Madaham and H.Ropini.
Mrs. Sucianah is the first daughter from seven be related.She lives in "GSI" housing Jln. Melati 5 no. 55 Tukmudal,Sumber.She school at SDN 1 Serang, SMPN 1 Palimanan,SPG and She continued her school at UNSWAGATI University and she took Indonesia Languange as her major.
Her job experience since 1996-Now at SMPN 1 Sumber,She has side job,that is engange in farming and gardening,and she also has a hobby,that is shooping,and her FAVORITE food are "PECEL LELE" and "PECEL BEBEK".

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